Technology-Led Marketing Solutions
Practical, powerful martech integration and automation.
Automation and Integration Services Designed with Marketing in Mind
At Etumos, we know that you can’t afford to waste valuable time trying to solve problems that technology should solve for you. You need to go beyond the limited integrations that come with your applications. We can design and deliver the right technical solutions that will allow for better martech integration, better data flow, more efficient campaign execution and centralize your customer data.

When the out of the box integrations between your platforms aren’t enough, we can help plan and execute the right structure

Schedule data imports, implement and manage middleware, create triggered events between systems and reduce your team’s manual work getting data across your platforms.

Manage In-House
Dev Resources
We speak dev and we speak marketing operations, so we can help translate your marketing business requirements to your dev team and manage and QA outcomes.
Use the Marketing Data you Collect and Pay For
With quality data and automation at the heart of a solid marketing practice, it’s no surprise that organizations are adding new technologies to their martech stacks at a dizzying pace. As a result, petabytes of valuable data are being captured but not necessarily making it across the entire stack to improve engagement and conversion. This is because of a lack of integration and developer resources that are able to identify technology-centric opportunities to integrate their martech stacks.
Preference Management Shouldn't be a Full Time Job
In a large and complex martech stack, managing email preferences across systems and platforms can become a time-consuming activity. Using iPaaS tools, you can centralize your preferences so you remain in compliance with global privacy laws while reducing the amount of manual work needed.
How We Help You Get More from Your Martech Stack
To make up for the lack of integration guidance and development expertise, organizations fill the gap with tedious manual processes that hinder their ability to engage prospects quickly. Etumos can help get your systems to a more scalable place while removing the threat of future tech debt with our technology integration services. How we can help:
- Auditing your systems and recommending opportunities for integration prioritized by value
- Providing technical and architectural guidance for vendor selection
- Creating custom integrations and workflow automation
- Creating better sync timing between systems
Get In Touch With Us
Send us a note and we’ll help you get your marketing technology integrations working the way they should.
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