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How Revenue Reporting Gets MOPs a Seat at The Table

Overview During uncertain economic times when companies have to “do more with less”, it’s critical for each team to demonstrate how they contribute to the bottom line. Revenue reporting enables marketing operations to show value to the business. Connecting to the Bottom Line In the context of marketing operations, revenue reporting looks at the company’s…

How Account Engagement Uses Referring URL

Overview Understanding a prospect’s journey from anonymous visitor to known prospect and ultimately customer requires a key set of data points to be captured by marketing automation platforms. Tracking Referring URL can provide insight into how an individual reached the organization’s web properties by informing the Source value in Marketing Cloud Account Engagement1. Auto-Filling Source…

Increasing Prospect Quality within Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

Improve Prospect Quality in Account Engagement I’m a big fan of the Creed movies. Nevermind the fact that Michael B. Jordan is one good lookin’ dude, but I love the training scenes depicting everything he goes through leading up to his fights. Whether it was working out in the desert after breaking his ribs or…

Optimizing your Campaign Costs with Marketo Engage

An important function of marketing operations is monitoring campaign costs because sadly, money does not grow on trees or bushes or even underground for that matter. Optimizing your marketing spends allows you to improve your return on investment (ROI) by turning off or restructuring under-performing campaigns, diverting funds towards more profitable campaigns or even experimenting…

How to track referring URL in Marketo Forms

Overview Do you know where your web traffic is coming from? Can you report on it across platforms? Are you able to show campaign effectiveness, channel effectiveness, or a good idea of the ideal customer journey? A lot of these answers will stem from your referring URL and UTM parameters – and we’re prepared to…

Marketing and Sales Data Standardization: Best Practices for Scrubbing Your Database and Lists

Data standardization is a bit of a buzzword in the MOPs industry, but what is it really? Why should MOPs professionals care about it and what are the risks if it’s not done properly? Let’s dive into data standardization and discuss some processes for ensuring the data that enters your marketing automation platform (MAP) or…

How the Marketo to Salesforce Sync Works

You’ve just loaded a list from an event where you have multiple hot leads into your Marketo program and are anxious awaiting the sales team picking them up. And yet…a day later, or even longer, the leads still haven’t synced to Salesforce OR only some of the data has been picked up by your CRM….