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Efficiency Unleashed: The Four Essential Steps to Implementing a Campaign Demand Center

The Power of a Campaign Demand Center Before we dive into the details, let’s first understand what a Campaign Demand Center is and why it’s essential for modern marketing teams. A Campaign Demand Center serves as a centralized model designed to facilitate the efficient production of digital marketing campaigns at scale. In this setup, every…

Why Your PM Tool is Critical for Marketing Operations

Overview Business processes have adapted to a remote work culture. Even if your organization has shifted to a hybrid or even back to an in-person structure, there are no doubt aspects of your job that involve collaborating with others online. The Marketing Operations field specifically employs individuals with unique technical skills where collaboration, planning and…

Use A Marketing Campaign Intake Process to Level Up Your Campaign Production

Marketing operations teams are increasingly pressured to produce more with less. Messages and requests fly in from Slack, email, and every other possible angle. What’s the priority? P1. When is this due? ASAP. Without a systematic way to manage new work requests, it becomes a challenge to set expectations with your stakeholders, identify work priorities,…