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3 Ways to Energize Your Nurture Strategy

Overview Lead nurturing is an essential component of any successful marketing strategy. By engaging with your leads and guiding them through the buyer’s journey, you can turn potential customers into loyal advocates for your brand. In this blog post, we’ll explore the steps to enhance your lead nurturing strategy, covering everything from organizing your nurtures…

The Top 3 In-Person Event Integration Services

Overview In today’s digital age, in-person events remain a valuable marketing strategy for businesses to connect with their target audience and generate leads. However, managing event data and integrating it with marketing automation platforms can be complex and overwhelming. Luckily, in-person event integration services offer solutions to automate data processing, standardize information, and enhance user…

Best Ways to Optimize Campaign Build Times with Asana

Overview Are you maximizing your investment in Asana with your marketing team? Asana is a versatile project management tool that helps marketing teams streamline workflows, improve collaboration, and boost productivity. On top of all that, Asana can help you optimize your campaign build times to get more work done in less time! In this blog,…

Top Tips for Nurture Program Strategy

Overview Marketo Engage’s Engagement Programs allow you to create personalized nurture journeys for leads at scale. Effective email nurturing can result in increased engagement, brand awareness, and conversions. However, creating a successful email nurturing campaign can be challenging, and it’s essential to use best practices to ensure that your messages are well-received and achieve their…

Marketing Operations Role after Campaign Launch

Overview 3…2…1….takeoff! Your email campaign has successfully launched, so what comes next? Although hitting the launch button may give a sense of accomplishment, the work is not done yet. What were you trying to accomplish with this campaign? Did it generate the results you desired or did it fall short of your expectations? These are…

How To Improve Campaign Quality With Program Templates

Overview In the fast-paced world of marketing, it may be tempting to prioritize quantity over quality when it comes to campaign creation. However, quality over quantity is the key to building trust with your customers and ultimately driving business growth. With Program Templates, marketing teams can ensure they are delivering high quality error-free campaigns while…

Uplevel Your Management of Marketo Engage to Improve Campaign Targeting

Overview Ready to take your campaigns to the next level? Looking for an effective way to help grow your business, generate revenue, and improve your overall ROI? As marketers, we need to constantly be working to better understand our ideal prospects and tailor messaging to their needs. Through the ongoing practice of effective campaign targeting,…

How Minimum Valuable Requirements Create More Efficient Marketing Ops Teams

Overview A successful intake process has everything you need right out of the gate. As you probably know though, this isn’t always the case – unfortunately. We’ve all been there when a marketing campaign request is submitted, but it’s missing key information that blocks you from beginning campaign production. When Minimum Valuable Production (MVP) requirements…

How to Win With Dirty Data, Building Marketo Engage Segmentations

Org-Level Segmentations Drive Marketing Our inboxes are filled with hundreds of emails daily and marketing teams face the challenge of finding a way to stand out in the inbox. A generic email to your entire database probably won’t capture the attention you desire then, right? So, how can you maximize engagement, open rates and click-through…

Marketing Campaign Production Processes: 4 Step COPs Framework for Success

What good is a plan without execution? Your content team can develop a great idea for an upcoming webinar, but nothing happens without the execution. Effective campaign planning should capture everything from start to finish that is needed for the campaign to go live. So how can your team ensure campaign plans are executed effectively?…