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Workato Consulting

Expedite Integrations and Automations

Efficient Marketing Automations

As marketing technology stacks grow in complexity, the volume of data transfers and actions needed increases exponentially. Manual processes and custom-coded integrations aren’t scalable or easily maintained. Workato is an iPaaS solution that enables organizations to integrate and automate their business systems and workflows with low- and no-code development.

Notebook and pencil illustration

Recipe Development

Strategize and architect trigger and batch/bulk business process solutions to meet organization needs.

Team members illustration

Lead Management Optimization

Immediately enrich, sync and notify sales reps of new leads so they can take action right away.

Envelope with green checkmark inside illustration

Campaign Automation

Connect work management platforms to DAMs and MAPs to seamlessly automate campaign creation.

Paper with multiple graphs illustration

Marketing Analytics

Connect marketing budgets to activities and touchpoints to automate campaign ROI and measure impact.

Newspaper illustration

Blog Post

Marketing Automation Basics: Stopping Data Quality Issues Before They Start

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Roadmaps that Take You in the Right Direction

Every engagement with our consultants starts with talking through your marketing and business goals and providing a detailed roadmap over the length of our retainer with you that shows you how you get value from the engagement. We bring the best practices, you bring the business problems, we solve together to get you from Point I-Have-No-Idea-What’s-Going-on-in-There to Point Wow-I-Understand-Marketing-ROI-and-So-Does-My-Boss.

Expedite Integrations and Automations

Etumos’ Workato consulting services help organizations efficiently connect marketing, sales and other business systems and automate critical tasks. Whether it’s your first recipe or you need help optimizing existing automations, Etumos is here to support your Workato projects.

Get In Touch with Us

Send us a note and we’ll walk you through how we can maximize your investment in marketing and sales technologies.

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