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Executive Marketing Dashboards

Implement a revenue reporting framework that measures the impact audience, offer and channel on your business' bottom line.

Our Framework, Your Data

Etumos’ core revenue reporting framework starts with a measurement plan that brings together your data to inform your strategy and tactics. From lead-to-revenue strategy and reporting to advanced attribution, we provide customizable dashboards on your reporting platform of choice.



Learn how your marketing tactics translate to volume, conversion and velocity at every revenue stage. Assess lead quality, identify bottlenecks and identify which marketing tactics are converting best and accelerating the buying cycle.



Expose the impact that channels and offers have on inbound lead gen, forecast pipeline and closed won revenue by factoring in qualified touchpoints throughout the buyers journey.



Hone in on which campaigns and tactics are most successful at influencing specific KPIs at each revenue stage so that you’re able to be prescriptive about how marketing spend is allocated.


Sales Activity

Identify opportunities to improve routing, assignment and workflow processes by visualizing how Sales activity impacts funnel velocity and conversion.

Viewing Unified Data

The right executive marketing dashboard project can help bring together data from otherwise siloed systems to provide prescriptive insights informed by the questions your leadership team is asking. By starting with understanding what matters most to move your marketing organization, Etumos can help get the right data into the right place and design beautiful dashboards that help you draw the insights that help back your decisions with truth.

What dashboard should your team set up? It depends on the questions your executives are asking. Etumos’ consultants can guide you through understanding how to translate those questions into the right solutions for your team, your data, and your martech stack.

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Data Wars: Unleashing the Force of Marketing Automation Analytics with Email Performance Reporting


Use the wealth of data sitting just beneath the surface of your martech stack

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn:

  • How to own and activate your marketing data
  • Structuring your data for common reporting scenarios like Buyer Journey, Attribution, and Cohort Analysis
  • What you need to make the most out of your data

Get In Touch with Us

Send us a note and we’ll walk you through how we can translate your team’s marketing questions into reports and dashboards that provide answers.

Contact Us