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Manufacturer Marketing Consulting

Optimizing Marketing Processes

Boosting Sales through Targeted Marketing

Whether B2B, B2C or both, manufacturers are noticing that customers expect personalized marketing experiences. Shifting from a sales-focused approach to a partnership between marketing and sales takes strategic preparation and execution within the marketing tech stack. Pairing with the experienced Etumos consulting team can help you apply best practices throughout this process.

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Lead Nurturing

Build automated nurtures to engage leads across channels with personalized content relevant to their needs throughout the long sales cycle.

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Account Prioritization

Highlight right-fit companies and influential individuals at the right time for the sales team through scoring models and lifecycle processing.

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Marketing Attribution

With numerous touch points throughout the buyer’s journey, reports and dashboards can provide insights on what is effective, so you can maximize ROI.

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Trade Show Lead Management

Track attendees and interactions so you can follow up with engaged leads from industry events.

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Blog Post

Best Ways to Optimize Lead Conversion with Lifecycle Processing

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Roadmaps that Take You in the Right Direction

Every engagement with our consultants starts with talking through your marketing and business goals and providing a detailed roadmap over the length of our retainer with you that shows you how you get value from the engagement. We bring the best practices, you bring the business problems, we solve together to get you from Point I-Have-No-Idea-What’s-Going-on-in-There to Point Wow-I-Understand-Marketing-ROI-and-So-Does-My-Boss.

Optimizing Marketing Processes

Etumos’ manufacturer marketing consulting services help organizations in nurturing and routing leads. The Etumos team can support manufacturers at any stage of marketing maturity, whether just starting out in a marketing automation platform or looking to optimize existing processes for scale.

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Send us a note and we’ll walk you through how we can maximize your investment in marketing and sales technologies.

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