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Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

How to use Marketo’s Idle Campaign Cleanup to Spot Optimizations in your Instance

Overview Once a quarter, Marketo will automatically deactivate triggered Smart Campaigns that no longer trigger activity ...
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Marketing Automation

Bots 101

Overview Digital marketing is an ever-evolving industry where the role of bots has become increasingly prominent. ...
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Marketing Automation

8 Tips to Optimize your HubSpot Lifecycle Stages

Read this before building/updating your Lifecycle Stages in HubSpot… I promise this won’t be one of ...
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Marketing Automation

Critical Checklist: 8 Must-Haves When Hiring a Marketing Operations Agency

Introduction In today’s economic landscape, folks are finding themselves facing the dual challenge of both optimizing ...
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Marketing Automation

Turning Constraints into Marketing Magic: The Art of Doing More with Less

Overview In today’s economic landscape, folks are finding themselves facing the dual challenge of both optimizing ...
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Marketing Automation

The Essential Guide to Marketing Operations Performance Reviews (with FREE scorecard template!)

Overview In today’s economic uncertainty, folks are finding themselves facing the dual challenge of both optimizing ...
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Marketing Automation

Why Lead Lifecycle Is the Backbone of Every Marketing Automation Platform

Overview If you’ve followed Etumos for a while, you probably already have an idea of just ...
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Marketo Training Resources

Marketing Automation

New to Marketo and Feeling Overwhelmed?

Marketo Training Resources to Get You Started Discover Our Experts’ “Secret” Resources No matter how you ...
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Help! My MOPs team is gone, what should I prioritize. Jasper AI

Marketing Automation

“My MOPs team is gone; what do I prioritize?” We asked AI.

For some context here, I’ve (Edward Unthank) been playing around with AI writing assistant tools for ...
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Marketing Automation

Mastering Qualification in Pardot with Custom Lead Fields

Pardot has some very straightforward and well-designed lead qualification features. For example, distinct behavior score and ...
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Marketing Automation

Structuring for Scale: How to Create Organizational Efficiencies In Pardot

The first mistake companies often make when implementing new technologies is building those systems out to ...
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Etumos Partners with Community Member to Create MOPs PROs Toolbox Chrome Extension

Marketing Automation

Etumos Partners with Community Member to Create MOPs PROs Toolbox Chrome Extension

As Adobe continues to roll out its new Marketo Engage Unified Experience (MEUE) to clients, many ...
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Unraveling the New Marketo UI- screenshot

Marketing Automation

Unraveling the New Marketo UI

Whether you love it or hate it or even want it, the new Marketo UI is ...
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Marketing Automation

Marketing Lead Reporting: How to Use Cohort Analysis to Understand Conversion & Velocity

As Marketers, we are all familiar with the typical funnel KPIs. We implicitly know the importance ...
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Marketing Automation

Facing a Marketing Automation Upgrade? These 6 Factors Will Ensure it Goes Smoothly

Facing a marketing automation upgrade can be overwhelming with the endless universe of tools available for ...
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Marketing Automation

Speaking the Same Language for Marketo Architecture & Best Practices

We all know how to talk about the key operational programs in a Marketo instance: Lifecycle ...
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Marketing Automation

Scaling Your Marketing Efforts with a Centralized Submission Process

To scale marketing efforts, both in the amount of marketing communications that you’re putting out and ...
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Guide to Creating Marketo Program Templates square

Marketing Automation

How to Build Marketo Email Program Templates

Marketo Email Program Templates Guide The Most Valuable Marketo Email Program Templates You’ll Ever Build Adobe ...
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Marketing Automation

List Acquisition? There’s a Marketo Template for That.

Most marketing departments begin or augment their demand generation efforts with list acquisition. Clearly marking these ...
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Marketing Automation

A Marketo Content Program Template for Every Type of Content

The primary building block for any marketing initiative is content. We, marketers, thrive on content—but this ...
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Marketing Automation

How to Build your next Marketo Event Template

Consider this scenario: Your company just committed to hosting a series of events over the next ...
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Marketing Automation

How to Build a Marketo Webinar Template that Scales

Webinars have become a favorite marketing tactic for many of today’s B2B brands, because they can ...
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Marketing Automation

4 Fully Tokenized Starting Program Templates for Every Marketing Instance

Creating your next newsletter should only take minutes, not hours. The best program templates allow you to ...
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Marketing Automation

How to Use Lifecycle Processing to Guide and Structure Your Marketing

The backbone of a marketing automation platform is a prospect’s progression from original visitation and creation ...
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Marketing Automation

Robust and Scalable: How to Build Your Ideal Marketing Technology Framework

Today, digital marketers should always be looking for ways to continually improve their efforts. The goal ...
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Marketing Automation

Demographic Gating: How to Score and Qualify Leads More Efficiently

In B2B marketing, there’s a vast difference between someone who fills out a form and someone ...
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Marketing Automation

Multi-Channel Nurture to Guide Your Remarketing Campaigns

One of the biggest areas for marketing improvement is a better utilization of remarketing campaigns for ...
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Marketing Automation

How to Do Intelligent Lead Nurturing

Intelligent lead nurturing has evolved from drip email marketing—and is rapidly replacing it. Drip email campaigns ...
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Marketing Automation

Take Lead Scoring to the Next Level: Demographic Scores and Behavior Scores

(Originally posted on Lead scoring is made up of two different kinds of information, each ...
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Marketing Automation

The B2B Marketing Revolution: Remarketing Campaigns Assigned by Marketing Automation

Setting Dynamic Remarketing Campaigns with Marketing Automation This is absolutely revolutionary for B2B marketing. This combines ...
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Marketing Automation

Marketo Rich Text Tokens and Marketo Text Tokens: Uses and Functionality

(Originally posted on At a recent Seattle Marketo User Group meeting, I was surprised to ...
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